The Importance of Good Employee Training and Knowledge Transfer Practices

It can be fun, exciting, scary, and stressful all at the same time when implementing a new system at your company. One of the key considerations to making sure that the new system gives a return on investment faster and productivity improvement is achieved is training employees correctly so they consistently adopt the system and begin to save time.
Having the right kind of training and knowledge transfer process in place will allow you to achieve an increase in productivity, better quality standards, reduced employee turnover, and a better customer experience. Together, these actually increase the company’s’ value and profits. It really can make a big difference from the customer side of things when a company maintains its quality at every level through consistent training.
Anything worthwhile takes planning and dedicated effort. Similarly, knowledge transfer and training will both need an intentional and detailed approach. You also must plan for the right kind of initial training and the right kind of tools to support employees after the training, because retention is another consideration we must pay attention to. People tend to lose newly learned knowledge very fast, so you need to have systems in place to offer that information on-demand for your employees.
When you do any kind of training, it’s a good idea to record it and store it in a learning management system or SharePoint, so team members can access and stream it quickly, whenever they need a refresher. To do that, you must ensure you know the training requirements for your new system implementation or any kind of new project. You must also ensure that during the implementation training, there is different training carried out for admin-levels and user-levels. Provide them with sufficient material, such as the user training guide or videos, so that they can refer to the information quickly.

Key considerations to improve training
  1. Train the trainer – Utilize the internal team to take the lead, get information, and then use employees internally to train others.
  2. Information sharing – What will be the format of training?
  3. Where the information will be kept or what the information repository is going to be. An example of an information repository could be a video which could be streamed or shared folders which have all the documents.
  4. Will there be a tool used for the training?
  5. Frequency of training? Make it a habit to do it regularly, monthly or weekly basis, whatever is possible.
  6. Continuous improvement. As people discover new improvements, make it a habit to document and make it available your team members, which will help them learn on their own and guide them. Also, keep improving the training material, make it fun, make it rewarding if people clear some training course by rewarding them.
  7. Keep it interactive and use the latest technologies: For instance, you can utilize AI-based chatbots just like Siri or Alexa, which can be a quick way of interacting with content for training purposes. The advantage of the Bot is if it doesn’t know the answer, it will record what people were asking so you can keep feeding it more information regularly and how work is going on the training Bot. When you have a training management portal or kind of a tool instead of using a conversational technology AI, those questions which were asked will not be captured because you don’t know what people were thinking. But with the bot, you can know what people were thinking. and more info 


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