8 Tech Trends From CES That Will Shape Healthcare in 2023
Top Tech Trends in the Future of Healthcare 1. IoT (Internet of Things) IoT is a tech trend that has been steadily growing over the past few years and is expected to continue to gain momentum in 2023. IoT is an interconnected network of digital devices, such as smartphones, home appliances, and other objects, that can collect, share, and analyze data. The healthcare industry has also been exploring ways to leverage the Internet of Things for better patient care and diagnosis. For example, sensors can be installed in medical devices to measure vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis. Additionally, the IoT can monitor patients remotely , helping reduce hospital readmissions and emergency room visits. With the increased usage of connected devices and the rise of 5G networks, we can expect even more innovative applications of the Internet of Things in healthcare in 2023. 2) 3D Printing 3D printing has become an increasingly popular tec...